
Physician Signup

Let's get started

Please fill out the form below to create your new account. After signup, you will be sent an email with a link to confirm and activate your account.

* = Required Fields

Your Information




Optional. If provided, this is included on each of your letters of medical necessity.


Login Information

Enter your email address (

Please confirm your email address.

Minimum 8 characters.
Minimum 1 special characters.
Password is case sensitive.

Please confirm your password. Password is case sensitive.

HIPAA Compliance is 100% HIPAA compliant. If there is a need to omit clients' last names to comply with your organization's internal policies, check the following:
Please omit my clients' last names.

Your Workplace

Can you use this in a country outside of the U.S. or Canada? Please contact us.

Optional, but recommended.

* = Required Fields